About Ali

Hi I’m Ali

For me yoga is a path that has helped me to heal and grow. Yoga inspired me to cultivate a life filled with love, health and wellbeing.

To live everyday positively and abundant. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning I choose to immerse myself in gratitude through positive affirmations and meditation.

Every day I get out in nature be it running, walking or an invigorating sea swim (the numbness and tingling is normal according to Wim Hof!) A particularly apt quote in my life is ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’

Yoga and meditation has given me a positive mindset, seeing challenges as a chance to grow. I have come to understand that I must work with my body rather than against it, listening to it and giving it all it needs; be it taking a nap or having a green smoothie.

Yoga strengthens our awareness and communication between body and mind. Everything happens for a reason and everyone has a story to tell. In yoga there is no judgement or expectation. It builds a community bringing people together to share a passion for health and wellbeing.

I am forever thankful to be able to create a safe and beautiful space where people can escape from daily life to take care of themselves and be their best self.